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Our Goal

Our assumption is that if you have found your way to this web site, you really care about your pet and those of your customers. Our focus is on the health and welfare of dogs and cats through great nutrition and supplements. We will provide you with information, advice and opinions from devoted professionals within the pet industry. We will also provide you with some of the best foods and products in this market.

We strive to isolate and work with family owned and family valued companies; the same as Middle West Distributors. Our belief is with the existence of the independent retailer and the advice and services they provide to grow this business for all of us.

The foundation for the products displayed on this site is simple. Natural and from the earth has worked well for over millennials and it still works today. Getting back to basics is not a marketing plan but a commitment to our four legged companions.

Our Territory

We distribute pet foods and treats within the Chicago, IL / Milwaukee, WI / Madison, WI markets, its suburbs and all points in between. We also distribute to Northern Indiana (Lake & Porter Counties) and down to Bloomington, IL.


Our pets don't ask us for much. They need plenty of water, proper nutrition, well defined discipline and lots of our love. The love and attention we provide comes easy and our pets respond with their loyalty and affection. You can't find this form of unconditional love just anywhere. We feed and shelter our pets and they respond by contentedly snoozing in their favorite chair.

Copyright © 2024 Middle West Distributors, Inc. All Rights Reserved.